Ice Plains Weather

At the beginning of every day, roll 2d6 to determine the day's weather. The previous day's weather can have an influence on the rolled total.

3 or lower. Today, the ice plains surprise with a clear, bright blue sky. Not a single snowflake falls from the sky, and the wind has decreased significantly. The vast icy landscape spreads out to its full extent in front of the observer: snow and ice as far as the eye can see, only broken by isolated ice columns or snow drifts. At night, the sky is illuminated by colorful auroras, whose beauty almost makes one forget the strain of the cold.

Subtract 2 from the next result when rolling for weather.

4-5. The snowfall has subsided. Now and then, the wind carries a cloud of dense snow across the plains. Visibility is much further than usual, which is a pleasant change.

Everything beyond 60 feet is lightly obscured.

Subtract 1 from the next result when rolling for weather.

6-8. Thick flakes are snowing from the overcast sky. Visibility is reduced to a few feet. Now and then, you notice a dark shadow fighting its way through the otherwise white surroundings in the distance. Icy wind tugs at clothing, bites faces and freezes unprotected skin. A normal day in the ice plains.

The entire biome is difficult terrain.

Everything beyond 15 feet is lightly obscured.

9-10. The snowfall has increased. Shadows that could otherwise be made out at some distance disappear completely between the impenetrable wall of snow. The wind continues to blow mercilessly across the ice, making travel even more difficult.

The entire biome is difficult terrain.

Everything beyond 5 feet is lightly obscured, and everything beyond 15 feet is heavily obscured.

Add 1 to the next result when rolling for weather.

11 or higher. Snow and ice swirl around like an impenetrable wall. Even creatures in the immediate vicinity are no longer recognizable. In addition, the wind sweeps unchecked across the plain, carrying sharp ice crystals that cut painfully into unprotected skin.

The entire biome is difficult terrain.

Everything beyond 5 feet is heavily obscured.

For every hour a creature is exposed to this weather it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2 (1d4) piercing and 2 (1d4) cold damage.

For every hour an object is exposed to the weather, it takes 2 (1d4) piercing and 2 (1d4) cold damage.

Add 2 to the next result when rolling for weather.

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